Thursday, October 9, 2008

PR News Post 4

Okay, so I will start by letting everyone know I didn't read about this subject in a PR News article, but that doesn't change the fact it still involves mass amounts of PR. This subject is the media and Sarah Palin. They paint her as this unexperienced evil villian with no intelligence or dignity. Why portray her this way, when someone who is also unexperience like Obama gets painted as a national hero for Americans everywhere? Palin is a women running for VP! That should be respected! Why is bias still so present in our news media today? You would think after having it drilled into our heads constantly throughout our journalism education we would understand to represent everyone fairly and objectively. Now I understand news companies have to get the viewers and ratings they need to stay in business, but is it really worth it to stay in business when you are left with a poor journalistic reputation? Shouldn't that rep be something that is valued above everything else? It is your reputation about your job, not only your job, but the career you have chosen for your life. Why throw it all away for ratings?... As I type this, I realize the reason why people do this. The one thing that will constantly effect our world and everything in it. What is this one thing that is so powerful and influential? MONEY! I guess I can't get angry for someone trying to get ratings and money in today's world.... maybe...

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